Thank you for volunteering to judge The Emily Contest!

If you have any questions or concerns,
please reach out to your category coordinator or
email the Emily Chair at

About The Emily

The Emily Contest is open to unpublished romance writers, as well as to published romance writers entering a category in which they have NOT PUBLISHED WITHIN THE PAST THREE (3) YEARS. The Emily offers six (6) categories to entrants, the opportunity to receive constructive & encouraging feedback from our knowledgeable First Round Judges, and the chance to have their work read by publishing house editors and literary agents. 



♥   It is IMPORTANT that you familiarize yourself with the updated CONTEST RULES, so that you will know what we require of all Entrants of The Emily Contest.

♥   If any First Round Judge is assigned an Entry with which she or he feels they might be familiar, it is up to the First Round Judge to contact the Coordinator to recuse themselves from judging the Entry.

♥   No First Round Judge may enter the same category in which she or he is judging. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in disqualification of the Entry and forfeiture of Entry Fee.

♥   Please do not share the fact that you are an Emily Contest judge either privately or on social media (via Twitter, FB, Instagram, personal website, blog, or otherwise). Thank you for your cooperation.

♥   The Emily Contest welcomes Published Authors, current or former RWA-PAN/PRO members, Romance Writing Contest Winners, & Experienced romance writing contest Judges as First Round Judges. We value this wealth of experience and skill, and don’t believe judges at this level need instruction on how to do their job. We do, however, have a few tips and guidelines to offer below that might come in handy. Please take a moment to look them over.

Tips and Guidelines for 1st Round Judges

♥   We recommend you start with reviewing The Emily Contest SCORE SHEET. At the beginning of each entry, a score sheet is attached. PLEASE NOTE: Each judge will need to enter the Manuscript Title, Entry #, and their Judge # on every entry scored.

♥  We’re looking for your honest and unbiased opinion from our Judges, but also professional courtesy. There are specific sentences within each section requiring a numeric score, followed at the end by a place for Judges Comments. Please utilize this space for the sort of feedback you might like to see on your own work. Look with a critical but constructive eye, and make suggestions that might open up new ways for an author at any stage in their career to look at their work.

♥   Following are three examples of what might be found in a Judge’s Comments where problems were detected in the PLOT, CHARACTERIZATION, & STYLE sections, respectively:

Provided by Julie Pitzel, one of our valued 1st Round Judges

♥   PLOT: I like how your plot is shaping, but I’m not sure there is enough conflict to carry a full length novel. You may want to add a line hinting at the deeper conflict to come.

♥   CHARACTERIZATION: You’ve done a good job of fleshing out your characters without drowning us in backstory. However, she needs a stronger motivation for her actions at the end of chapter one. As it’s written the risk is too great for limited payout.

♥   STYLE: I’ve removed a number of unnecessary commas and added a few that were missing. You may want to check Strunk & White’s Elements of Style or run your pages through a program like Grammarly to get a better handle on which grammar rules you’re breaking.

Below is a downloadable PDF of Writing References (book suggestions all available on Amazon) Judges might use in their comments section. Please use other references you are familiar with, whether books, websites, magazines, blogs, etc., that you feel might be helpful to an entrant’s writing future.

Overall, remember that this is a contest focused on romance writing, so please be encouraging as you critique these hopeful writers in search of their Happily Ever After.

To download a PDF of the below recommendations, click HERE Writing Reference Suggestions for Entrants