Low yearly membership fee of $40.00.
9 monthly meetings, each with a 90-minute presentation on craft, publishing, marketing, etc.
All Regular Monthly Meetings are on Zoom and some are also In Person.
When permission is granted by the speaker, presentations are recorded and placed under the Members Only Tab for one year to be viewed later.
Members get a reduced Emily Contest entry fee.
Members enjoy a discount on all League of Romance Writers' events.
Monthly newsletter with League announcements, member news, and craft articles.
Opportunity to hone your skills by writing an article of the newsletter.
Discussions/announcements on Groups.io, a group platform to interact with other members and find out about industry news ~ conferences ~ writing contests.
Weekly sprinting groups via Zoom every Monday and Wednesday evening between 8 - 10 PM CT.
Monday & Wednesday 8p-10p (CT) sprinting group in the League Zoom room.
Weekend brainstorming group on Sundays 12 noon – 3p (CT) in the League Zoom room.
League Zoom account available for members and their co-writers and/or critique partners to reserve a regular time to meet virtually for more time than a free Zoom account allows.
December holiday get-together for those in the Houston area or out of town members who care to join in person.
Occasional local hosting at members' homes for out-of-town members to save on hotel fees while attending events or meetings.