
Our next meeting will be on:

Saturday, October 12, 2024, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Central Time

The In-Person Presentation, Lunch, and Write-In, For Members Only!

 From 10:30 am to Noon Central Time
The Zoom Presentation will be for Members and Visitors.

Visitors, contact membership@leagueromwriters.com
to obtain the link to attend from 10:30 am to Noon.

Members, please watch for the link in the Newsletter and on the Groups.io loop
for the address and details of this all-day meeting.
You must RSVP! We will need to know how many are joining us!

Do You Write Romantic Suspense, Cozy Mystery,
or Thinking About Bumping Off a Character?

Our Featured Speaker for October 12th for the

10:30 am - noon (Central Time) Zoom presentation will be

Paul Hoag

Who Will Present:

“Coroner 101"



The League of Romance Writers will Conduct
In-person and Zoom or Zoom-only Meetings in 2024.

Please watch the website and Member Loop
for the type of Meeting and location.

Visitors Are Welcome to visit us once before deciding to join the League.

Visitors, for info, please contact: membership@leagueromwriters.com

Monthly Meeting Schedule:

We Usually Meet the Second Saturday of each Month (except in December)

9:00 am (U.S Central Time) Web and
Zoom Waiting Room Opens

9:30 - 10:15 am Business Meeting, Member News, and Book Buzz
10:30 am - noon Speaker Workshop



Please LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook, Instagram, and X

Our goal is to encourage, support, and to provide continuing education to fiction writers who wish to join our writing group.

Come by to Visit Us!